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Jun 5, 20237 min read
The Need To Radically Reimagine Our Identities Outside of the Gender Binary
To understand the gender binary and its implications on the Asian diaspora, we address its history and reflect on our experiences.

Feb 1, 20223 min read
Translational Distortions of the Term "Critical Race Theory"
Critical race theory is not about letting us play the victim or paint an aggressor. It’s not about making an issue out of race.

Dec 20, 20218 min read
Math Education Can Never Be Apolitical
As a math instructor and a Chinese American, I often hear concerns about introducing social justice initiatives into math education.

Oct 5, 20216 min read
Fact-Check: Debunking Misunderstandings about Homelessness with Data
Homelessness isn't an uncommon topic on WeChat, but most people don't understand the reality of it.

Sep 6, 202112 min read
What are the Texas affirmative action cases really about?
Recently, an anti-affirmative case in Texas came to an end. So why has it taken so long for it to finally lay down the gun?

Aug 2, 20214 min read
Is It CRT Or WeChat Articles About CRT That Is Dividing Us?
Many people noticed that voices opposed to CRT grow rapidly on WeChat. I decided to investigate how these opinions gain traction on WeChat.

Jul 24, 20215 min read
Why I Wish Critical Race Theory Had Been Taught in My Elementary School
Critical Race Theory (CRT) has sparked debate among Chinese parents. Children will better understand themselves and each other with CRT

Jul 6, 202116 min read
Chinese Parents Are Obsessed with Harvard and Yale, But What Do Elite Universities Really Represent?
Being anti-affirmative-action will only hurt Asian Americans in the long run as it continues to uphold the current class of American elites
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